Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Alito Votes - Bill of Rights Still Intact

Alito has cast his first vote and – gasp – the nation is still standing.

Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., one day after joining the Court, cast his first significant vote on Wednesday evening, and in the process split with the Court's other conservatives: Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., and Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas.

Those other tthree [sic] wanted to nullify an Eighth Circuit Court order delaying the execution of a Missouri death row inmate. The state's request to lift that stay order went initially to Alito, who is assigned to handle such emergency matters from the Eighth Circuit. He passed the matter on to his eight colleagues, resulting in the vote to leave the lower court stay in place.

Wait a minute!  He didn’t vote the party line!  Oh My God!  He has a brain of his own!   I would have bet life on the Democrats being right – that Alito is no more than a political hack that is out to destroy the American way of life.  I thought that Civil Rights for the nation had finally met their match.

Sorry – you can resume your regularly scheduled partisan hyperbolic hysteria already in progress.

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